Two cow-girls got loose in WV. They were last sited in this Virginia Beach board walk store Please dial 1-800-Mamacomeback! if you have any information leading to the findings of these two suspects

One of my new favorites!!! Vegi Tales, mom and myself (they must have been HOT in there!!!)

My friend Jocelyn's baby Audra, born the day after my birthday!! Both pictures were taken at our house, around Easter. She was only about 1-2 months old in these pictures.
Isn't she adorable in her hat?! :)

Today's post is green, because it reminds me of the green grass, and the freshness of summer. I LOVE the smell of freshly mown grass, taking longs walks by our house and seeing all of the horses, and cows, and occasional rabbits, or deer. Probably my favorite part of being home was enjoying the nature. Mom and I love to walk up and down the road, and my dad can be caught almost every day after work, riding his bike or walking our dog Jack.
But, as I squeeze every last drop of summer fun out of my last week at home, I realize there is still much to look forward too! A new apartment, more education, new friends, new music, and probably most exciting, seeing what God has in store for me during this period of transition. While I have been focused on school starting, God seems to be nudging me more and more into different church ministries. Right now I am participating in a PDYM (Purpose Driven Youth Ministry) study in which I am part of a small team, working on transforming the purpose and form of youth ministry at our church. In addition, we have begun an exciting Prayer Team ministry, in which we are coming up on our last week of a 4 week book study on "Pray the Price" by Dr. Terry Teykl (a book I highly recommend reading, focused on "prayer evangelism" and reviving and transforming the prayer life of the United Methodist Church).
There are a lot of things I could talk about now, like my room which is beginning to look empty, and the mounds of boxes sitting in the family room. But, today I just want to share some pictures. Some are from last summer, and some from this summer. I hope to have some really nice new ones when we get back from our family vacation. In two weeks I will be moved in, home again, and leaving for vacation with my family in north-central PA (or somewhere around there). When I get back, classes start up, right away! So, please enjoy my pictures, and pray for me while I'm making this transition. My next post will probably be around the beginning of the school year.
(p.s. please forgive me for the formatting problems...oh I wish I had a digital camera!!! :))