Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Happy Easter everyone. Today is the most significant day of the calendar year for Christians. Like Beth Moore said, "Even if Jesus had been born and lived and done all of the wonderful things he did, and died for us, still, NONE of it would have counted, had he not RISEN" (loosely quoted). So, let's celebrate today, and every day, that nothing is impossible to conquer because Jesus already conquered all of it for us on the cross. That's how much God loves us!

It's been a while and time to share some pictures! The two above are especially for Mom, part of our Easter tradition :) Below are my cantata pictures someone took for me during the service, and lots of pics of yesterday's day at the Pittsburgh Zoo!

Have a blessed Easter

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I love the pictures Elizabeth. Your Easter picture is really nice.

I liked the pictures of the children. Looks like you were having a lot of fun at the ZOO! I did not see a picture of Christian.

The Gorilla was hilarious!!!

Love, MOM