Saturday, March 22, 2008

Good Friday/Easter

Good Friday was a special day for me this year. Yes, of course it is special EVERY year, but the way I spent my day this year made the preparation up to Easter Sunday even more special for me. First, I had the joy of spending a few hours baby-sitting my friend Sarah's kids at the park. I offered to take them to the park while she house-cleaned. It worked both ways. She needed some time alone in the house to get things done, and I missed playing with the boys.

It had been a while since I spent a day with the kids and forgot how much Christian likes to ask "why", and how Luke's smile can brighten up your day :) It was enlightening to me to be reminded of what our world looks like through the eyes of a child. There are so many curious things!

Yesterday evening I went to our church's Good Friday service. I played piano, listened to our Praise & Worship director give the sermon, and the P&W group sing special music. After the sermon he left the altar open. Something I had not had the opportunity to do in a long time. Usually I am sitting at the keyboard during this time, but this time I get to sit in the pews and take advantage of kneeling at the altar.

Something happened last night that reminded me of how much our Lord loves us and wants to be near us. As I went to the altar it felt as if I was closer to God than when I am alone in my room with Him having devotions. Although the altar was so filled with people that we could barely fit everyone there, it felt like one of the most alone and intimate times I had shared with Jesus in a very long time.

As we were kneeling at the altar a song by Nichole Nordiman was playing. I don't know the title but it's about a little girl who asks her father why Jesus is dying on the cross. The song portrays the little girl actually being there in the moment that changed history. It is a very powerful song.

I think what made last night so special was that the story of Jesus didn't feel so long ago. I could imagine Him going through the suffering, looking at me, and all the while, knowing without a doubt in His mind, that He wanted to do it, because I was worth it to Him. The sermon story of the little girl who watched the church play of Jesus' Crucifixion and how her mother could not comfort her or convince her that it was "just a play" made me think how easily we forget the reality of what really happened. And it also made me wonder if we always do our best to help little children understand.

In a world where sex out of marriage, violence, power, and many other kinds of evil are so blatantly advertised in the media, I can't help but think that as Christians we have a responsibility to children to make the story of Jesus louder and clearer, and more "real" than all of the negative influences around them.

I suppose that is all. Those are my reflections on the Easter season this year. I hope you too have an intimate and joyful experience with Jesus this Easter!

God Bless!

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